Cataract --Biomarker Pathway List

109 biomarker pathways

Pathway ID Term Description Observed Gene Count Background Gene Count Strength Biomarkers
GO:0016209 antioxidant activity 3 74 1.86 CAT,SOD1,GPX1
hsa04213 Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species 3 61 1.94 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1
GO:0060548 negative regulation of cell death 8 999 1.15 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system 5 185 1.68 CRP,SOD1,ACE,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0007568 aging 5 274 1.51 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,RGN
GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation 8 1642 0.94 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CRP,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0042542 response to hydrogen peroxide 4 119 1.78 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,GPX1
GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 8 1550 0.96 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0043066 negative regulation of apoptotic process 7 893 1.14 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0046903 secretion 7 1097 1.06 CEACAM6,CAT,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 11 4874 0.6 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0072593 reactive oxygen species metabolic process 4 112 1.8 CAT,SOD1,CTGF,GPX1
GO:1900407 regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress 4 81 1.94 SIRT1,SOD1,RGN,GPX1
GO:1902175 regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 3 27 2.3 SIRT1,SOD1,GPX1
GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function 7 1163 1.03 SIRT1,CAT,ACE,SLPI,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0097746 regulation of blood vessel diameter 4 139 1.71 CRP,SOD1,ACE,GPX1
GO:0030162 regulation of proteolysis 6 747 1.15 SIRT1,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0080135 regulation of cellular response to stress 6 739 1.16 SIRT1,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0090322 regulation of superoxide metabolic process 3 36 2.17 CRP,SOD1,RGN
GO:0008015 blood circulation 5 394 1.35 CRP,SOD1,ACE,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0042743 hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 3 39 2.14 CAT,SOD1,GPX1
GO:0051336 regulation of hydrolase activity 7 1284 0.99 SIRT1,SOD1,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity 5 418 1.33 SIRT1,SLPI,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity 5 450 1.3 SIRT1,SLPI,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 8 2257 0.8 SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0043281 regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 4 216 1.52 SIRT1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0090066 regulation of anatomical structure size 5 516 1.24 CRP,SOD1,ACE,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0032940 secretion by cell 6 979 1.04 CEACAM6,CAT,SOD1,SLPI,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:0050790 regulation of catalytic activity 8 2386 0.78 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:1900086 positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation 2 5 2.85 ACE,VEGFA
GO:0002376 immune system process 8 2481 0.76 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,VEGFA
GO:0006641 triglyceride metabolic process 3 69 1.89 SIRT1,CAT,GPX1
GO:0034599 cellular response to oxidative stress 4 244 1.46 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,GPX1
GO:1902533 positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction 6 1041 1.01 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0001822 kidney development 4 271 1.42 CAT,ACE,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process 8 2648 0.73 SIRT1,CRP,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 7 1807 0.84 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0002443 leukocyte mediated immunity 5 641 1.14 CEACAM6,CAT,CRP,ACE,SLPI
GO:0008585 female gonad development 3 91 1.77 SIRT1,SOD1,VEGFA
GO:0009628 response to abiotic stimulus 6 1147 0.97 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0032268 regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 8 2693 0.72 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0044093 positive regulation of molecular function 7 1842 0.83 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0045937 positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process 6 1164 0.96 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0060047 heart contraction 3 88 1.78 SOD1,ACE,GPX1
GO:0001525 angiogenesis 4 315 1.35 SIRT1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0045055 regulated exocytosis 5 697 1.11 CEACAM6,CAT,SOD1,SLPI,VEGFA
GO:2000379 positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process 3 103 1.71 CRP,SOD1,RGN
GO:0050678 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 4 339 1.32 SIRT1,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0009650 UV protection 2 13 2.44 CAT,GPX1
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 10 5579 0.5 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0048871 multicellular organismal homeostasis 4 352 1.31 SOD1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0036293 response to decreased oxygen levels 4 354 1.3 SIRT1,CAT,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 7 2096 0.77 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 8 3124 0.66 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0045859 regulation of protein kinase activity 5 812 1.04 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0060055 angiogenesis involved in wound healing 2 17 2.32 GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0048513 animal organ development 8 3197 0.65 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0032780 negative regulation of ATPase activity 2 18 2.3 SIRT1,RGN
GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process 8 3227 0.64 SIRT1,CRP,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0001932 regulation of protein phosphorylation 6 1459 0.86 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0035295 tube development 5 851 1.02 SIRT1,CAT,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:1902176 negative regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 2 19 2.27 SIRT1,GPX1
GO:0009411 response to UV 3 144 1.57 SIRT1,CAT,GPX1
GO:0032930 positive regulation of superoxide anion generation 2 20 2.25 CRP,SOD1
GO:0043085 positive regulation of catalytic activity 6 1489 0.86 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,VEGFA
GO:1900409 positive regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress 2 20 2.25 SOD1,RGN
GO:0002682 regulation of immune system process 6 1514 0.85 SIRT1,CRP,SOD1,ACE,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 10 6239 0.45 SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:1901700 response to oxygen-containing compound 6 1567 0.83 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,SLPI,CTGF,GPX1
GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 5 929 0.98 CEACAM6,SIRT1,ACE,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction 5 945 0.97 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0006950 response to stress 8 3485 0.61 SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,SLPI,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0030225 macrophage differentiation 2 26 2.14 SIRT1,VEGFA
GO:0032270 positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 6 1635 0.81 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 10 6407 0.44 SIRT1,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0002446 neutrophil mediated immunity 4 495 1.16 CEACAM6,CAT,ACE,SLPI
GO:0071363 cellular response to growth factor stimulus 4 494 1.16 SIRT1,CAT,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:0042592 homeostatic process 6 1676 0.8 SIRT1,SOD1,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0042744 hydrogen peroxide catabolic process 2 28 2.1 CAT,GPX1
GO:0065009 regulation of molecular function 9 4913 0.51 SIRT1,CAT,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0001934 positive regulation of protein phosphorylation 5 1019 0.94 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:0007283 spermatogenesis 4 525 1.13 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,RGN
GO:0032269 negative regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 5 1043 0.93 SIRT1,SLPI,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0043534 blood vessel endothelial cell migration 2 31 2.06 GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0009611 response to wounding 4 532 1.13 SOD1,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0046890 regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 3 197 1.43 SIRT1,SOD1,RGN
GO:0042311 vasodilation 2 33 2.03 SOD1,GPX1
GO:0045860 positive regulation of protein kinase activity 4 550 1.11 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,VEGFA
GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated transport 6 1805 0.77 CEACAM6,CAT,CRP,SOD1,SLPI,VEGFA
GO:0032879 regulation of localization 7 2740 0.66 CEACAM6,SIRT1,CRP,SOD1,ACE,RGN,VEGFA
GO:0001894 tissue homeostasis 3 219 1.39 SOD1,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:0010907 positive regulation of glucose metabolic process 2 38 1.97 SIRT1,RGN
GO:0048534 hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development 4 619 1.06 SIRT1,SOD1,ACE,VEGFA
GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 7 2875 0.64 SIRT1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality 8 4042 0.55 SIRT1,CRP,SOD1,ACE,CTGF,RGN,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 3 248 1.33 SLPI,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0042304 regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process 2 47 1.88 SIRT1,RGN
GO:0006749 glutathione metabolic process 2 49 1.86 SOD1,GPX1
GO:0010883 regulation of lipid storage 2 50 1.85 SIRT1,CRP
GO:0051055 negative regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 2 51 1.84 SIRT1,SOD1
GO:0051179 localization 9 5591 0.46 CEACAM6,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0001541 ovarian follicle development 2 53 1.83 SOD1,VEGFA
GO:0048747 muscle fiber development 2 54 1.82 GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0001954 positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion 2 55 1.81 CEACAM6,VEGFA
GO:0043536 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 2 56 1.8 SIRT1,VEGFA
GO:0051129 negative regulation of cellular component organization 4 713 1 SIRT1,ACE,GPX1,VEGFA
GO:0006810 transport 8 4353 0.51 CEACAM6,CAT,CRP,SOD1,ACE,SLPI,CTGF,VEGFA
GO:2001244 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 2 60 1.77 SIRT1,SOD1
HSA-3299685 Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species 3 37 2.16 CAT,SOD1,GPX1